MindImmune co-founders Frank Menniti and Robert Nelson are affiliated faculty at the Ryan Institute. This funding advances their work on an antibody treatment that targets peripheral immune cells found to play a role in driving Alzheimer’s disease.
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Dysfunction in brain’s clearance systems may contribute to CAA
A new study published in Nature Aging and conducted by William Van Nostrand in collaboration with Yale School of Medicine and Stony Brook University shows that trouble with the brain’s clearance systems may contribute to cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA).
Continue reading "Dysfunction in brain’s clearance systems may contribute to CAA"Ross lab receives Champlin Foundation grant
The Ross Lab is the recipient of a $179,500 grant from the Champlin Foundation to acquire Laser Capture Microdissection technology.
Continue reading "Ross lab receives Champlin Foundation grant"Q&A with Jaime Ross, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor Jaime Ross investigates fundamental questions of aging. In this Q&A, she shares her thoughts on the questions that drive her research and what she finds most encouraging about the aging process. How did you become interested in studying aging?It happened by accident. I was studying a robust model of premature aging developed at […]
Continue reading "Q&A with Jaime Ross, Ph.D."Two new grants support Ryan Institute investigators
Two new grants from the Roddy Foundation fund innovative equipment for Ryan Institute research.
Continue reading "Two new grants support Ryan Institute investigators"Ross Protocols
(♯) Corresponding author(†) signifies trainees Adelöf J, Ross JM, Zetterberg M, Hernebring M. (2021). Survival-Span Method: How to Qualitatively Estimate Lifespan to Improve the Study of Aging, and not Disease, in Aging Studies. Frontiers in Aging, Dec 2021. Potts E†, Coppotelli G, Ross JM#. (July 2020) Histological-based stainings using free-floating method. Journal of Visualized Experiments. […]
Continue reading "Ross Protocols"Copy Co-Directors
Q&AThe Power of CollaborationRyan Institute Co-Directors John Robinson and William Van Nostrand team up on a shared vision for the Institute. William Van Nostrand and John Robinson’s ongoing research collaboration began at Stony Brook University more than 15 years ago, thanks to a chance meeting in a park. In 2017, they moved their research programs […]
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Q&AThe Power of CollaborationRyan Institute Co-Directors John Robinson and William Van Nostrand team up on a shared passion for the future of the Ryan Institute. William Van Nostrand and John Robinson’s ongoing research collaboration began at Stony Brook University more than 15 years ago, thanks to a chance meeting in a park. In 2017, they […]
Continue reading "Co-Directors"Ross News
February 2025 The Ross lab findings on microplastics is cited in Business Insider and Katie Couric Media (“Are Microplastics Harming Your Brain?“). January 2025 The Ross lab is cited in The Washington Post (“Our brains are filling with more microplastics, study shows“). August 2024 Drs. Ross and Coppotelli received a two-year, $433,125 NIH grant […]
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Loading… Sydney Bartman Interdisciplinary Neuroscience Program, Ph.D. candidate sydney0318@my.uri.edu Emily Potts Interdisciplinary Neuroscience Program, Ph.D. candidate emily_potts@my.uri.edu Lila Berle Undergraduate Researcher lila_berle@my.uri.edu Panorea Tirja Undergraduate Researcher panoreat6@my.uri.edu Leah Harmon SURF Fellow 2020 University of Notre Dame
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